Click any of the linked articles below to read see full document, some may require UofS library access. If you see an article that you have trouble accessing, write to Keith and he will attempt to get a copy to you by e-mail attachment or link.

  1. S. Chukwu, & K. Walker(2023).Towards a deeper understanding of the graduate student and faculty-advisor relationships. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education, 2023, 18(1), pp. 61-78. 78

  2. M. Clarke, K. Walker, S. Spurr, & V. Squires V. (2023). Role-Related Stress and Adversity Impacting Christian Clergy Resilience: A Pan-Canadian Study. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling. 77(1) 51–63.

  3. V. Squires, K. Walker, & S. Spurr (2022). Understanding self perceptions of wellbeing and resilience of preservice teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 118(October): 1-16.

  4. M. Clarke, S. Spurr, & K. Walker (2022). The well-being and resilience of Canadian Christian clergy. Pastoral Psychology, August: 1-12.

  5. K. Mcharo, J. Bally, S. SpurrK.Walker, S. Peacock & L. Holtslander (2022). Exploring nursing presence as experienced by parents in pediatric oncology. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 66: 86-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.pedn.2022.05.021

  6. M. Kumaran, K. Walker, S. Wakibi (2021). Ethnic Diversity and Preferred Leadership Attributes: A Ethnic Diversity and Preferred Leadership Attributes: A Quantitative Analysis with Secondary Use of Qualitative. Library Diversity and Residency Studies, 1(2), 22-41. doi:10.31390/ldrs.1.2.06.

  7. M. Clarke, K. Walker, S. Spurr, & V. Squires (2022). Clergy resilience: Accessing supportive resources to balance the impact of role-related stress and adversity. Journal of Pastoral Care & Counselling. 1-14 DOI: 10.1177/15423050221090864.

  8. Thiessen, J., Quantz, K., Wong, A., Walker, K., & McAlpine, B. (in press). Evangelistic Belief and Behavior among Canadian Congregants. Studies in Religion. DOI: 10.1177/00084298211055072

  9. Wong, A., Thiessen, J., Walker, K., & McAlpine, B. (2021): Discipleship from Catholic, mainline and conservative protestant congregant perspectives in Canada, Journal of Beliefs & Values, DOI: 10.1080/13617672.2021.1995303

  10. Spurr, S., Walker, K., Squires, V. & Redl, N. (2021). Examining nursing students’ wellness and resilience: An exploratory study. Nurse Education in Practice, 51(February): 1-9.

  11. P. Clarke, & Walker, K. (2021). Does "civility" threaten academic freedom at Canadian universities. Education & Law Journal. 30(1), 1-39.

  12. K. Walker, & Kutsyuruba, B. (2020). Upgrading downsizing: Ethics and personnel reductions in declining organizations. European Journal of Educational Management, 3(2), 51-65.

  13. B. Kutsyuruba, Godden, L., & Walker, K. (2020). The effect of contextual factors on school leaders’ involvement in early-career teacher mentoring: A review of the international research literature. Research in Educational Administration & Leadership, 5(3), 672-710. DOI: 10.30828/real/2020.3.3.'_Involvement_in_Early-Career_Teacher_Mentoring_A_Review_of_the_International_Research_Literature

  14. Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., Matheson, I. A., & Bosica, J. J. (2020). Early career teaching progression: Examining the Canadian beginning teachers’ experiences in their first five years in the profession. New Teacher Educator

  15. Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., Matheson, I. A., & Bosica, J. J. (2020). Examining the early career teachers’ needs: Findings from the pan-Canadian survey. Teacher Learning and Professional Development, 5(1), 15-36.

  16. Mahmoudi, H., Walker, K., Abdolrahim Navehebrahim, A., Hamidreza Arasteh, H., Abbasian, H. (2020). The Missing Pieces in the Puzzle of Iranian Undergraduate General Education (Quantitative Findings). Comparative and International Education

  17. Cherkowski, S., Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. (2020). Positive leadership: Animating purpose, presence, passion, and play for flourishing in schools. Journal of Educational Administration, ahead-of-print, 1-15. doi: 10.1108/JEA-04-2019-0076.

  18. Kutsyuruba, B., & Walker, K. (2020). The role of school principal in induction and mentoring of early career teachers. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education, published online April 2020, 1-27. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.659

  19. Cherkowski, S., & Walker, K. (2019). Mentorship for flourishing in schools: an explicit shift toward appreciative action. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education, 8(4)

  20. Kutsyuruba, B., Godden, L., & Walker, K. (2019). Contextual factors in early career teaching: A systematic review of international research on teacher induction and mentoring programs. Journal of Global Education and Research, 3(2), 85-123.

  21. Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., Stroud Stasel, R., & Al Makhamreh, M. (2019). Developing resilience and promoting well-being in early career teaching: Advice from the Canadian beginning teachers. Canadian Journal of Education, 42(1), 285-321.

  22. Deutscher, M., Walker, K., & Phillips, P. (June 2019). Conscience in public administration: More than just a chirping cricket? Canadian Public Administration, 62(2), 181-201.

  23. Wong, A., McAlpine, B., Thiessen, J., & Walker, K. (2019). Are you listening? The relevance of what pastoral/denominational leaders and theological educators are saying about preparing leaders for ministry. Practical Theology, DOI:10.1080/1756073X.2019.1609255

  24. Thiessen, J., Wong, A., McAlpine, B., & Walker, K. (2019). What is a flourishing congregation? Leader perceptions, definitions, and experiences. Review of Religious Research, 61, 13-37.

  25. Walker, K., & Kutsyuruba, B. (2019). The role of school administrators in providing career teachers’ support: A pan-Canadian perspective. International Journal of Education Policy & Leadership, 14(2), 1-19.

  26. Kutsyuruba, B., Walker, K., Al Makhamreh, M., & Stroud Stasel, R. (2018). Attrition, retention, and development of early career teachers: Pan-Canadian narratives. In Education, 24 (1), 43-71.

  27. Cherkowski, S. Hanson, K. & Walker, K. (2018). Flourishing in adaptive community: Balancing structures and Flexibilities. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 3 (2), 123-136.

  28. Cherkowski, S. & Walker, K. (2017). Educational research as flourishing: contributing to a pipeline of wellbeing, Canadian Journal of Teacher Research, published online November 29, 2017

  29. Kutsyuruba, K. Walker, & L. Godden (2017). Creating supportive school cultures for beginning teachers: Mitigating the cultural contextual factors. International Journal of Educational Organization and Leadership, 24(2), 1-18.

  30. S. Erkan, & K. Walker (2016). Fairness Perceptions and Experiences of Muslim University Students in Canada. International Education Studies, 9 (7), 72-87. doi:10.5539/ies.v9n7p72

  31. S. Cherkowski & K. Walker (2016). Purpose, passion and play: Exploring the construct of flourishing from the perspective of school principals. Journal of Educational Administration, 54 (4), 378-392. DOI: 10.1108/JEA-10-2014-0124

  32. S. Cherkowski, K. Walker, & B. Kutsyurba. (2015). Principals’ moral agency and ethical decision making: Toward a transformational ethics. International Journal of Education Policy & Leadership (IJEPL), 10(3), 1--17.

  33. Saxena, K. Walker, & G. Kraines. (February 2015). Towards reconciliation of several dualities in physician leadership. Healthcare Policy. 10(3),  23--31.

  34. Kutsyuruba, K. Walker, & B. Noonan. (April, 2016). The Trust Imperative in the School Principalship: The Canadian Perspective. Leadership and Policy in Schools. DOI:10.1080/15700763.2016.1164866

  35. Kutsyuruba, & K. Walker (2015). The role of trust in developing teacher leaders through early-career induction and mentoring programs. Antistasis: An Open Educational Journal (Special Issue on Educational Leadership: Complexities and Practicalities), 5(1),  32--36.

  36. E. Ralph, & K. Walker. (2014). Is Adaptive Mentorship a Viable Mentoring Model? International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Special Issue, 4(3) 

  37. Kutsyuruba, Walker, K., & Cherkowski, S. (2014). The grounds and strategies for ethical decision making in Canadian principalship. Management Education: An International Journal, 13(2), 1-11.

  38. Kutsyuruba, & K. Walker (2014). The lifecycle of trust in educational leadership: An ecological perspective. International Journal of Leadership in Education. DOI:10.1080/13603124.2014.915061

  39. Ralph, & Walker, K. (2014). Research synthesis for Adaptive Mentorship. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 7(3), 221-226.

  40. Ralph, & Walker, K. (2013, Fall). The Efficacy of the Adaptive Mentorship Model. Canadian Association of Principals Open Journal of Leadership 2013. Vol.2, No.2, 21-26

  41. Ruru, K. Sanga, K. Walker, & E. Ralph (2013, July). Adapting mentorship across the professions: A Fijian view. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring,11(2). 70-93.

  42. S. Cherkowski, & K. Walker (2013). Schools as sites of human flourishing: Musing on an inquiry into efforts to foster sustainable learning communities. Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations. Vol. 23, Iss. 2: 139-154.

  43. P. Chrosniak, E. Ralph, & K. Walker (2013, February 19). What Role Can Questioning Play in Mentorship? The Mentor: An Academic Advising Journal. Penn State University, Division of Undergraduate Studies. Volume: 15

  44. S. Spurr, L. Berry, K. Walker (2013). The meaning adolescents attach to spirituality. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing.  18(3), 221-232.

  45. Ralph, & K. Walker (2014). The promise of Adaptive Mentorship: What is the evidence? International Journal of Higher Education, 2 (2), 76-85.

  46. J. Gerard, J. Lapointe, E. Ralph, & K. Walker (2013). Aboriginal post-interns’ views of their rural teaching- practicum. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 6 (3), 1-8.

  47. Kutsyuruba, & K. Walker (2013). Ethical challenges in school administration: Perspectives of Canadian principals. Organizational Cultures: An International Journal, 12.

  48. S. Spurr, L. Berry, & K. Walker (2013). Exploring adolescent views of body image: The influence of media. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, 36(1-2): 1-20.

  49. S. Johansson-Fua, D. Ruru, K. Sanga, K. Walker, & E. Ralph (2012). Creating mentorship metaphors: Pacific Island perspectives. Learning Landscapes, 6 (1), 243-261.

  50. Ralph, & K. Walker (2012). Internships in rural schools. Journal of Co-operative Education and Internships, 46, 44-57.

  51. S. Spurr, J.M. Bally, M. Ogenchuk, K. Walker (2012). A framework for exploring adolescent wellness. Pediatric Nursing, 38(6), 320-326.

  52. E. Ralph, & K. Walker (2012). Enhancing rural internships: Considering the post-Intern voice. Northwest Passage: Journal of Educational Practices, 10(1), 36-44.

  53. K. Sanga, & K. Walker (2012). The Malaitan mind and teamship. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management. Vol.11(6), pp.223-235

  54. S. Johansson-Fua, K. Sanga, K. Walker, & E. Ralph (2011). Mentorship in the professions: A perspective from Tonga. The International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching, 9(2), 19-37.

  55. E. Ralph, & K. Walker (2011). Helping novices develop in the humanities via Adaptive Mentorship. The International Journal of the Humanities, 9(2), 121-132.

  56. K. Walker, B. Kutsyuruba, & N. Bishop-Yong, N. (2011). The principle of Best Interests of Students in the principalship. Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations, 22(2), 27- 60.

  57. E. Ralph, & K. Walker (2011). Enhancing mentoring in management via the adaptive mentorship model. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management, 10(8), 35-43.

  58. Kutsyuruba, K. Walker, & B. Noonan (2011). Restoring broken trust in the work of school principals. International Studies in Educational Administration, 39(2), 81-95.

  59. K. Walker, B. Noonan, & B. Kutsyuruba (2011). The fragility of trust in the world of school principals. Journal of Educational Administration, 49(5), 471-494.

  60. B. Kutsyuruba, K. Walker, & B. Noonan (2010). The ecology of trust in the principalship. Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations, 21(1), 23-47.

  61. P. Clarke, H. Heavin, & K. Walker, K. (2010). Racist parenting and the best Interests of the child: A legal and ethical analysis. The Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. Issue #109

  62. Ralph, K. Walker, & R. Wimmer (2010). The field-experiences component of education for the professions: Canadian findings. In N. Simmons (Ed.), Opportunities and new directions (pp. 50-59). Waterloo, ON: University of Waterloo, Centre for Teaching Excellence.

  63. Ralph, & K. Walker (2010b). Mentoring by design: Applying the Adaptive Mentorship model. Design Principles & Practices: An International Journal, 4(1), 465-476.

  64. Ralph, & K. Walker (2010c). Rising with the tide: Applying “Adaptive Mentorship” in the professional practicum. Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching (CELT), Vol. 3. Hamilton, ON: Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE).

  65. E. Ralph, & K. Walker, K. (2010). Enhancing mentors’ effectiveness: A promising model. McGill Journal of Education. 45(2), 205-218.

  66. J. Green, & K. Walker (2009, October). A contingency model for ethical decision-making by educational leaders. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 4(4), 1-10.

  67. K. Walker, & K. Donlevy (2008, July). Beyond relativism to ethical decision making. The Journal of School Leadership. 18(4) Selected for Special Edition – re-published

  68. E. Ralph, K. Walker & R. Wimmer (2009). Practicum and clinical experiences: Post-practicum students’ views. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(8), 434-440.

  69. E. Ralph, K. Walker & R. Wimmer (2009). The practicum across the professions: Views of post- practicum students. Journal of the International Society for Teacher Education, 13(2), 43-52.

  70. E. Ralph, K. Walker & R. Wimmer (2009). Deficiencies in the practicum phase of field-based education: Students’ views. Northwest Passage: Journal of Educational Practices, 7(1), 74-86.

  71. E. Ralph, K. Walker, & R. Wimmer (2009). Practicum-education experiences: Post-interns’ views. International Journal of Engineering education, 25(1), 122-130.

  72. L. Bosetti, & K. Walker (2009). Perspectives of UK Vice-Chancellors on leading universities in a knowledge-based economy. Higher Education Quarterly. (18pp)

  73. B. Noonan, K. Walker, & B. Kutsyuruba (2008). Trust in the Contemporary Principalship. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 85, November 2, 2008.

  74. E. Ralph, K. Walker & R. Wimmer (2008a). Clinical and practicum education in the professions: The student voice. In A. Wright, S. Murray, & M. Wilson (Eds.), Collection of Essays on Learning and Teaching, Vol. 1 (CELT, pp. 55-60). Hamilton, ON: Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

  75. E. Ralph, K. Walker & R. Wimmer (2008b). The clinical/practicum experience in professional preparation: Preliminary findings. McGill Journal of Education, 43(2), 157-172.

  76. E. Ralph, K. Walker & Wimmer, R. (2008c). The pre-service practicum: Perspectives of students from three disciplines. Higher Education Perspectives, 4(1) [21 pp.]. Available from Higher Education Perspectives Web site,

  77. E. Ralph, K. Walker & R. Wimmer (2007a). Positive and negative aspects of the practicum: Post-interns’ views.  Journal of Cooperative Education and Internships, 41, 129-142.

  78. K. Anderson, K. Walker, E. Ralph & J. Anderson (2009). Practicum teachers' perceptions of success in relation to self-efficacy.  Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 55(2), 157-170.

  79. K. Walker & K. Donlevy (2009). The four ethical commitments in educational administration. Journal of Educational Thought.[28 pp]

  80. E. Ralph, K. Walker & R. Wimmer (2007b). The practicum in professional education: Pre-service students’ experiences. Transformative Dialogues, 1 (2), 17 pages.

  81. L. Sackney, & K. Walker (2007). Sustainable innovation in exemplary schools. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 1, 1-10.

  82. K. Walker (2007). Mannequin experiences: Servanthood or servitude? Leadership in Focus. 6, (Winter), 26-28.

  83. K. Walker (2006). Fostering hope: A leader’s first and last task. Journal of Educational Administration, 44(6), 540-569.

  84. K. Walker & K. Donlevy (2006, May). Reconsidering Ethical Relativism. The Journal of School Leadership. 16(3), 216-239.

  85. L. Sackney & K. Walker (2006). Canadian perspectives on beginning principals: Their role in building capacity for learning communities. Journal of Educational Administration 44(4), 341- 358.

  86. K. Walker, & S. Carr-Stewart (2006). Beginning principals: experiences and images of success. International Studies in Educational Administration (Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration & Management (CCEAM)). 34(3): pp. 17-36.

  87. L. Sackney, K. Walker, & C. Mitchell (2005). Building capacity for learning communities: Schools that work. REICE, 3(1), 9-16. Revista Electrónica Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación. Vol. 3, No. 1

  88. K. Walker, Anderson, K., Sackney, L., & Woolf, J. (2003). Unexpected learning by neophyte principals: Factors related to success of first year principals in schools. Managing Global Transitions, 1(2), 195-213.

  89. K. Walker, & S. Carr-Stewart, S.(2004). Learning leadership through Appreciative Inquiry. International Studies in Educational Administration, Journal of Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management, 32 (1), 72-86.

  90. Ward, Veeman, N., & Walker, K. (with Kynoch, B.). (2004). Hope and opportunity: A case study of adult learners in a small Canadian town. Research and Practice in Adult Literacy.

  91. S. Carr-Stewart & K. Walker (2003). Research to Build on the Images of Leadership Success: An Appreciative Inquiry. Management in Education. 17

  92. L. Sackney, K. Walker, & V. Hajnal (1999). Principal and Teacher Perspectives on School Improvement.  Journal of Educational Management, 1(1).

  93. K. Walker, C. Mitchell, & L. Sackney (1999). Postmodern Conceptions of Power for Educational Leadership. Journal of Educational Administration & Foundations. 14 (1), 33-57.

  94. K. Walker (1998). Jurisprudential and Ethical Perspectives on “The Best Interests of Children.” Interchange, 29 (3).

  95. K. Walker (1998). Response to Professor Stephen Smith, Interchange, 29 (3).

  96. V. Hajnal, K. Walker & L. Sackney (1998). Leadership, organizational learning, leadership, and selected factors relating to the institutionalization of school improvement initiatives. The Alberta Journal of Education, XLIV (1), 70-89.

  97. X. Li, & K. Walker (1997). Autonomy and accountability in higher education: Chinese higher education reform.  Canadian and International Journal of Education.  26 (2), 9-27.

  98. E. Kowch, & K. Walker (1996). Toulimn’s moral reasoning model applied to ethical internet choices: A means for exercising ethical technology leadership. Canadian Journal of Educational Communication, 25 (3), 235-254.

  99. K. Walker (1996). A Blushing Romance: Framework for Ethical Exposition of Relationship Between Educational and Commercial Interests. McGill Journal of Education.  31 (3), 275-296.

  100. C Mitchell, K. Walker, & L. Sackney (1996). The postmodern phenomenon: Ramifications for school organizations and educational leadership. The Journal of Educational Administration, 11 (1), pp. 38-67.

  101. K. Walker (1996). The Canadian copyright law and common educational reprography practices. Canadian Journal of Education.  21 (1), pp. 50-64.

  102. K. Walker (1995). Perceptions of ethical problems among senior educational leaders. Journal of School Leadership 5 (6), pp. 532-564.

  103. K. Walker (1995). A principled look at the best interest of children. The Canadian School Executive 15 (5), pp. 3-8.

  104. K. Walker (1994). Notions of "ethical" among senior educational leaders. The Alberta Journal of Educational Research, XL(1), 21-34.

  105. K. Walker (1993). Striving for integrity in educational policy-making: An ethical metaphor. McGill Journal of Education, 28(1), 77-94.