Research-Based Consulting
Overview | Turning Point Consulting | Retained Consulting | Workshops & Equipping | Associates
What Is It?
By research-based consulting we intend to convey the idea that our company is expert in creating and using methods and instruments for better understanding the dynamics and “state-of-the-art” of focused aspects of an organization’s operations. Document analyses, observations/inspections, surveys, focus groups, interviews, and an array of process consultation approaches may be used to develop profiles and descriptions for further analyses and the development of recommendations.
Sometimes our work could be characterized as “gap finding” in orientation and sometimes these various research-based means are used to focus on what is working and to gain insights into what needs to be done to accentuate and expand particular positive momentum within the organization. Sometimes this engagement leads to education (workshop facilitation) or retained services. Other times the organization “just wants to know” the status of a particular concern, the progress of an initiative or gain an appraisal of a dimension of their organizational life, culture or product.
Governance Assessments/Reviews
We have developed a twelve indicators of effective governance protocol and survey instrument with which to conduct 360 reviews of board governance. We often conduct these in conjunction with executive reviews (alternate years or in parallel). This tool has been used to the benefit of numerous social sector, K-12 and post-secondary board contexts. We tailor make these reviews, according to client needs, and sometimes include key informant interviews and focus groups. These reviews result in an in-depth written report and often involve both debriefing of the review and workshop or coaching to follow-through on findings. We are equipped to conduct policy reviews, co-develop policy handbooks and to offer advice on policy processes (problem definition, vetting alternative, constituent consultations, implementation of new or revised policy, measures for effectiveness and technical support for writing policy).
Operationalizing New Team(s) Development
Our group has extensive experience with facilitating team-building, trust development, goal-setting, and relation-based effectiveness for groups and organizations.
Leadership Assessments/Reviews
We have developed a number of instruments for reviewing the effectiveness of CEOs, Deans, Pastors, Presidents, and Executive Directors. We have developed survey instruments with which to conduct 360 reviews of executives and we have also developed a formative instrument for assessing and benchmarking servant leadership (360). We have conducted these in conjunction with governance reviews (alternate years or in parallel). We tailor make these instruments and protocols according to client needs and sometimes include key informant interviews and focus groups. These reviews result in written reports and often involve both debriefing of the review for executives, their boards and coaching to follow-through on findings.